Regulation of Tectic Section

Regulation of the Shadows Tectic Section

(Approved by the Presidency, with Decision No. 2, dated March 17, 2014).

Article 1

The Thematic Sections constitute one of the two limbs of the SSS organization, in addition to the Regional Branches & Collective Anthrops.

Creating and functioning of the Thematic Sections is done in keeping with the experience of the Research Committees of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and the European Sociological Association (ESA) where the SSS is a regular and collective member.

Article 2

1. Thematic sections represent areas, branches and sub-branches of sociology and other sciences close to it. The main principle of their construction is the thematic proximity.

2. The Thematic Sections are self-organized for the fulfillment of their objectives, the management of the funds they provide, the cooperation with various institutions, the organization of various activities, in accordance with the SSS principles.

3. The Thematic Sections consist of members of different categories, but have common academic interests. Registration in ST (self) is declared by the members. Each member may leave an ST for whatever reason.

4. Communication between the members of the Thematic Sections is done on-line, as well as through direct contacts, forums, etc. Each of the Thematic Sections organizes at least one activity per year.

5. For their guidance, ST chooses a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman, based on a regulation approved by the Presidency (Statute, Section 7.5).

6. The Chairpersons of Thematic Sections form the Council of Thematic Sections (CST), which is chaired by the Vice-President for Thematic Sections. The Council of Thematic Sections (CST) is one of the leading U.S. authorities.

7. The CST votes four representatives for the Presidency of the SSS, with two alternatives, according to a procedure approved by the Presidency (Statute, Article 7.7).

8. The Vice-President for the Thematic Sections and their four representatives are part of the Head of the SSS.

Article 3

The minimum number of members that condition the existence of a section is 5 (five). If the section loses membership it ceases to be or merges with another thematic proximity, with the decision of the Presidency of the SSS.