(Approved by the ALBSA Executive Board, with Decision No. 2, 17 March 2014)
Article 1
Collective members of SSS may be:
a. Local organizations;
b. Associations, institutions, research centers, departments of sociology or other social sciences, faculties etc.
The evaluation for Collective Membership is done by the Executive Board
Neni 2
1. Collective Members are represented by the Council of Local Organizations (CLO).
2. The Council of Local Organizations is composed by the Vice President for Local Organizations (which he chairs), and one delegate from each local organization, regional branch, and regular collective member.
3. Vice President for Local Organizations and four elected representatives are members of the ALBSA Executive Board.
4. The CLO) meets with the participation of more than half the members and decides with the majority of the members present.
5. CLO votes four representatives for the Executive Board, with twoo alternatives, according to a procedure approved by the Executive Board.
6. CLO holds not less than one regular meeting per year. As a rule, it coincides with the ALBSA Assembly, or its periodic activities.
Article 3: Regional branches or Local Organizations
1. Regional branches self organize for fulfilling their objectives, administering the secured funds, for cooperating with various institutions, organizing different activities, in respect to ALBSA principles.
2. The Regional Branches elect a chairman and vice chairman with a two-year mandate, with a right to repetition. The election can also be done electronically, in their network.
3. The Meetings of Regional Branch are valid when more than half of the members are present and decisions are made by a majority of the votes of the members present.
4. The disagreements between members of the Regional Branches are resolved by agreement, in accordance with the statute of the ALBSA. By contrast, the issue is resolved through the ALBSA Executive Board
Article 4: Other Collective Members
1. Other collective members (associations, institutions, research centers, departments of sociology or other social sciences, faculties, clubs, etc.) develop their activity in accordance with their statutes and their acts of foundation, and are represented in the ALBSA by their official leaders.
2. Other collective members are considered to be in Good Standing when they pay the quota of membership, as determined by the Executive Board.
3. In relation to the ALBSA, other collective members in Good Standing have the rights of the ALBSA Regional Branches.
Article 5
1. Collective members are responsible for the organizing of ALBSA conferences, and have the right to organize their Special Sessions at ALBSA periodic conferences.
2. The Collective Members may apply for projects on behalf of the ALBSA and direct them in accordance with its objectives and the principle of transparency of the activity, according to the procedures established by the Executive Board.
3. Collective Members of ALBSA receive free scientific journals, and have space on its official website.
4. The Collective Members have the right to monitor the entire organizational, scientific and economic activity of the ALBSA and be informed of everything done in its context.
5. Collective Members cooperate with the Genaral Secretary, secretariat and officers of the ALBSA, as well as with the Albanian Institute of Sociology.