Chair: Saemira PINO
ALBSA Vice-President for Research Committees/Thematic Sections:
Kozeta Hoxha - ST01
Matilda LIKAJ - ST02
Ledia KASHAHU - ST03
Jonida LAMAJ - ST04
Brunilda ZENELAGA - ST05
Daniela Meçe - ST06
Hajdin ABAZI - ST07
Ermira Hoxha - ST08
Eralda Zhilla - ST09
Irena Nikaj - ST10
Nevila Kocollari - ST11
Rudina Hoxha - ST12
Luan Shahollari - ST13
Merita Xhumari - ST14
Denada QUKU - ST15
From the ALBSA Statutes:
Thematic Sections (or Research Committees) are composed by members of different categories, that share the same academic interests. Each TS elects a Chairman and vice chairman, according to a regulation approved by the Executive Committee of ALBSA.
TS Chairmen form the Thematic Sessions Council (TSC), which is chaired by the Vice President for Thematic Sessions.
The Council of the Thmatic Sessions elects its four representatives to the ALBSA Executive Committee, by two alternatives, following the approved procedures by the Executive Committee.