The Statutes were originally adopted at the Constituent Assembly, held in
Tirana, November 21st 2006 where the association was formally established with
the name Albanian Institute of Sociology (AIS). It has been revised during the
reorganization of the association with the name Albanian Sociological Association
(ALBSA) and is adopted by the 5th Assembly held in Durres, November 21st - 22nd
, 2013.
1.1 The Association is denominated “Albanian Sociological Association,
ALBSA” (in Albanian “Shoqata Sociologjike Shqiptare, SHSSH”).
1.2 ALBSA is a nongovernmental and nonprofit association with
membership. Its activity is based upon this statute.
1.3 Its mission is to represent the Albanian scholars of sociology and of
related social sciences, regardless their scientific point of view, political and
ideological beliefs.
2.1 ALBSA is founded in respect to the Republic of Albania Civil Code
provisions and to the law on “Non Profit Organizations” Nr. 8781, of May 5th
2001, and as amended by law Nr. 9814/2007 and law Nr. 92/2013.
2.2 ALBSA is independent from the public administration, state, political or
religious institutions, regardless of being Albanian or foreign. It doesn’t pursue
economic purposes.
2.3 the purpose of ALBSA is to stimulate the development of sociological
disciplines and of related social sciences; to coordinate and stimulate the
scientific activity of social researchers, the academic research and debate; to
support the training of young professionals in the field, their employment, post
university scientific qualification; to enhance the influence of social sciences and
social researchers to the overall development of society.
2.4 The object of the ALBSA activities are: scientific studies and activities
(symposiums, seminars, conferences, discussion tables, lectures, training
courses); scientific cooperation with public and private universities, with
organizations, Albanian and foreign associations and institutions, scientific
periodicals and books publishing, any other legitimate activity for the
achievement of goals stipulated in this statute.
3.1 ALBSA is a non-profit organization with membership. ALBSA
acquires the legal person capacities upon registration in the Court of Law.
3.2 ALBSA headquarters are in Tirana, in the address: “Abdyl Frasheri”
Street, Apartment 3/3, Tirana, Albania. The address can be changed upon an
Executive Committee decision.
3.3 The association has its branches in Albania’s districts or abroad.
4.1 There shall be both collective and individual members of ALBSA, who
may be either regular or affiliated.
4.2 Collective members can be local associations and organizations,
research institutions and centers, the departments of sociology or other social
science, faculties etc. Collective members are admitted upon an Executive
Committee decision.
4.3 ALBSA is open to all those individuals that work, develop, teach or
study in the field of sociology or related disciplines, regardless of their personal
beliefs, party affiliation, gender, religion, ethnicity, wealth etc. Evaluation for
individual membership is performed by the Membership and Finance
4.4 Members of over 65 years of age are considered life members. They
are considered in good standing upon acquiring membership, or for effective
members, from the moment they reach 65 years of age.
4.5 Honorary Member can be any individual, Albanian or not, with a
protrude scientific and publishing activity, or other special contributions to it.
Decision on Honorary Members are taken by the ALBSA Assembly.
4.6 Affiliated individual members can be researchers bearing comparable
qualities as Assembly members but living outside the Republic of Albania
territory, as well as professional of other fields whose work or contributions
correspond to the object of the association’s activity.
4.7 Student Members are individuals that study sociology or a related
science. They form the students section.
5.1 To remain members in good standing the members must have paid
their membership dues for the current year and votes in respect to the Statutes.
The membership dues is determined by the Executive Committee, following the
proposal of Membership and Finance Committee.
5.2 A member in good standing has the right to:
Take part to the association activities, to elect and be elected;
Be part of 1-3 Thematic Sessions (Research Committees);
Take part in the referendum voting;
Receive free of charge, the electronic version of the scientific periodicals;
Take part free of charge, to ALBSA’s conferences or scientific activities –
national or international, and by a reduced fee (under 50 per cent) for activities
held jointly with other institutions.
Represent the association to national or international activities, in respect
to the delegation and notification rules, set by the Executive Committee.
To apply for projects in the name of the association, manage them in
accordance to their objectives and the principle transparent activity, in
accordance to procedures determined by the Executive Committee.
To monitor the association’s organizational, scientific and economic
activity and be informed on everything happens in the framework of the
5.3 Collective members receive free of charge ALBSA’s scientific
periodical and are provided with space in its official site.
5.4 ALBSA members have the duty to:
Endorse the statute, work for its implementation and pay the membership
Work for improving the association’s public image and authority ;
5.5 ALBSA members have the right to abandon the association, without
reasoning. In case of abandoning, they take their part of responsibility in relation
of the organization’s duties toward third parties until they are members.
5.6 Being Expelled from ALBSA is considered an extreme measure. It is
ruled by the Executive Committee for major violations of the statute, financial
discipline, Ethic Code cases or unjustified long term absence.
6.1 ALBSA is a permanent and collective member of the International
Sociological Association (ISA), the European Sociological Association (ESA), and
the Balkan Sociological Forum (BSF).
6.2 ALBSA can receive collective membership from other international
associations. Request for collective membership is submitted by the Executive
Committee. It follows the principles upon which are organized the international
bodies and associations, where it is a member, and fulfill the duties that derive
from such associations.
6.3 ALBSA Executive Committee appoints its representative delegates to
ISA, ESA, BSF and other international organizations where it is a collective
member. The extent of their mandate complies with the requirements of the
respective institutions statutes.
6.4 ALBSA Executive Secretary is the contact person for the relations with
the institutions and associations where it is a collective member.
7.1 Thematic Sections (or Research Committees) represent the field,
branches and sub branches of sociology and related sciences. Their main
building principle is the thematic contiguity.
7.2 TS self organizes for fulfilling their objectives, administering the
secured funds, for cooperating with various institutions, organizing different
activities, in respect to ALBSA principles.
7.3 TS is composed by members of different categories, that share the
same academic interests. Registration to the TS is (self)declared by members.
Every member can abandon the TS, without reasoning.
7.4 Communication between TS members is held online, through direct
contact, forums etc. Each Thematic Session organizes at least one activity per
7.5 For their management, TS elect a Chairman and vice chairman,
according to a regulation approved by the Executive Committee of ALBSA.
7.6 TS Chairmen form the Thematic Sessions Council (TSC), which is
chaired by the Vice President for Thematic Sessions.
7.7 TSC elects its four representatives to the ALBSA Executive
Committee, by two alternatives, following the approved procedures by the
Executive Committee.
7.8 Each TSC gathers by the participation of more than half of its
members and makes decisions by the majority of the present members.
8.1 The Council of Local Organizations represents the regional branches
and collective members of ALBSA.
8.2 CLA is composed by the Vice President for Local Organizations (which
he chairs), and one delegate from each local organization, regional branch, and
regular collective member.
8.3 CLA gathers by the participation of more than half of its members and
makes decisions with the majority of the present members.
8.4 CLA elects its four representatives to the ALBSA Executive
Committee, by two alternatives, following the approved procedures by the
Executive Committee.
8.5 CLA holds at least a regular meeting per year. As a rule, it concedes
with the ALBSA Assembly.
8.6 Regional branches self organize for fulfilling their objectives,
administering the secured funds, for cooperating with various institutions,
organizing different activities, in respect to ALBSA principles.
8.7 Regional branches activity is based on their regulation. They chose
their directors (chairman and vice chairman), for a two year mandate.
8.8 Each regional branch holds at least a regular meeting per year. As a
rule, it concedes with its yearly activity .
9.1 The Assembly, the general meeting of regular members in good
standing, is the highest decision making body of the association. It gathers at
least once in two years.
9.2 The other governing bodies are: Executive Committee, Council of
Research Committees (CRC), Council of Local Organizations (CLO),
Membership & Finance Committee (MFC), and Publications Committee (PC).
10.1 The Assembly defines the association’s field of activities, supervises
and controls their implementation, and elects its Executive Committee.
10.2 Assembly gathers by the participation of more than half of its
members and makes decisions with the majority of the present members.
10.3 Assembly decisions can be taken by an electronic vote as well.
Referendum votes (referendums), are votes held for specific matters with the
participation of all members. Decisions on referendums are taken by the
Executive Committee, or at least ten members.
10.4 At least six months before each Assembly, the Council of Research
Committees (CRC), and the Council of Local Organizations (CLO), shall each
elect a Nominating Committee (NC) with five members. All of their members must
be regular individual members in good standing. Each NC shall select from
among its membership a chairperson who will be responsible for organizing its
work, in cooperation with the Secretariat. No more than two members of each
may be drawn from the outgoing Executive Committee.
10.5 NC have the duty to select the candidates for the Executive
Committee, that will be voted by the assembly. Each proposed candidate must
be a member in good standing, at least since the previous assembly.
10.6 Votes for the President, Vice Presidents and other Executive
Committee members are held secretly, by ballot casting.
11.1 Executive Committee, is the highest governing body between the
Assemblies. It is composed by 13 members, that are: ALBSA President, Vice
President for Thematic Sessions (Research Committees), Vice President for
Local Organizations, four representatives from the Thematic Sessions, four
representatives from the Local Organizations, one representative from the
Membership & Finance Committee (MFC), and one representative from
Publications Committee (PC).
11.2 Executive Committee gathers by the participation of more than half of
its members and makes decisions with the majority of the present members.
Executive Committee decisions can be taken online, as circular decisions, except
when is voted nominally for individuals.
11.3 Executive Committee is elected by the Assembly, for a two year
mandate, by a secret voting with ballots, based on the alternative proposals of
the Nominating Committees. One individual cannot be elected as Executive
Committee member for more than two consecutive mandates.
11.4 Executive Committee approves, announces and supervises the
implementation of ALBSA’s yearly objectives, decides the projects application
procedures, determines ALBSA’s representation rules for the international
institutions where it is a collective member, appraises applications, decides for
collective members and calls the Assembly meeting.
12.1 The President is the highest authority of ALBSA. He chairs the
Assembly and Executive Committee meetings, and undersigns their decisions.
12.2 President and Vice President of ALBSA can be elected every
member, in good standing at least since the previous assembly. He must have a
scientific grade or title.
12.3 The President of the ALBSA is an ex officio member without voting
rights of the CRC, CLO, MFC, and PC.
13.1 ALBSA stimulates publication of the field’s creations and realizes
publications. It publishes one or more scientific periodicals, in printed or
electronic version, separately or jointly with other institutions.
13.2 Publication Committee (PC) is the body that directs publications. It is
composed by not more than five members, appointed by the Executive
Committee. PC is directed by its chairman.
13.3 Publication criteria of the scientific periodicals, name, frequency,
circulation, editorial office etc., in any case are determined by the Executive
Committee, upon the PC proposal. The scientific journal acts as a separate
account unit.
14.1 ALBSA holds its annual conference, separately or jointly with other
institutions. The invitation is done by an open call and notified not later than a
year before it is held.
14.2 The conference venue is determined by an open invite to universities,
institutions, domestic and foreign associations. Publication of calls for
conferences organization are done not later than two years before they are held.
Decisions for conferences are taken by the Executive Committee, based on the
open proposals, not later than a year before they are held.
14.3 Organization of yearly conferences is a joint responsibility of
ALBSA’s governing bodies. The Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing
Committee for the organization of each conference are approved by the
Executive Committee, not later than six month before it is held.
15.1 ALBSA financial sources are: membership fee incomes, funds, grants
or donations, conferences incomes, publication activities, services and assets in
the association possession (if there are such).
15.2 Membership & Finance Commission (MFC) is the body that directs
membership and finance. It is composed by not more than five members,
appointed by the Executive Committee. MFC is directed by its chairman.
15.3 The Executive Secretary of the association serves as MFC secretary.
He/she keeps the association’s accounts, and prepares the financial yearly
report. MFC reports every year to the Executive Committee on members and
finance issues.
16.1 Executive Secretary is the legal representative of ALBSA. S/h shall
normally be appointed by the Executive Committee for a four-year term; the term
is renewable without limit.
16.2 Executive Secretary monitors ALBSA’s daily activity, serves as its
contact point; is the offices administrator, holds the fundamental registry of
members and evaluates their standing, holds the correspondence, archive,
library, stamp and financial account; is the administrator of the associations
official web site and its networks.
16.3 Executive Secretary supports ALBSA’s bodies and directors for
transferring the knowhow, and directs the secretariat (if the number of employees
is more than one).
Albanian Institute of Sociology (AIS) is a research centre in partnership
with ALBSA. It is governed by the Executive Board, composed by not more than
five persons: executive director, academic director, publication director etc. Its
activity is based on separate reregulation (statute).
18.1 ALBSA has an unlimited duration. Termination of its activity happens
when it does not reach the required number members or by court decision,
according to the law. In such event, dissolution is performed according to legal
18.2 Association’s wealth, in the event of resolution, shall proportionally
pass, to homologous NGO-s that work within the Republic of Albania territory
and have common or similar fields of activity. Exception from such rule pose the
organizations, with whom ALBSA has had joint projects, to which in a
preferential way is passed 40 per cent of its actives.
18.3 Disagreements among ALBSA members and structures are settled in
good understanding, in respect to this statute and other rules of the association.
Or else, the case is settled by the court of law.
19.1 Change of the statutes is done by the Assembly, by the simple
majority of members. The initiative for the revision of the statutes can be taken by
ALBSA governing bodies, every thematic session, each regional branch, or by a
group of ten members.
19.2 Decision for the revision of the statutes must be taken not later than
six months before the Assembly and the revision procedures are effected not
latter that two months before it is held.
19.3 ALBSA has its own emblem and stamp. It has its web site and social
network pages, where it reflects its activity.